Friday, March 25, 2011

Running In Round Numbers

I have a thing for round numbers. If I'm at 28 miles for the week, I've been known to add in an extra two somewhere to make it an even 30.

And I love months when I hit 100 running miles. There's something about the three-digit, century mark that seems like an accomplishment. Plus, 100 is just so nice and round. So many zeros.

Perhaps that's why I am particularly intrigued by the perfectly round stat I found this morning as I glanced at my training log. I sorted by running miles my month, one of my fav ways to look at my training over time.

Dailymile shows me the last 12 months in a neat graph form (pic above). Imagine how awesome it was to see 1,000.0 miles. Somehow, over the course of 12 months, I'd managed to hit 1,000 miles
right on the nose.

What are the chances of that??

Those 1,000 miles are made up of a bunch of non-round numbers - like my 8.86 miles from last night or my 18.36-miler a few weekends ago.

How did I possibly manage to get to
exactly 1,000 miles? I don't think I could have done that if I tried.

I'm still so baffled at the "roundness" of the cumulative miles that I think I've almost forgotten to take moment and celebrate the fact that, hey,
I ran 1,000 miles in 12 months. That's pretty impressive in itself, I'd say.

And, I gotta admit, it makes my goal of running 1,000 miles and biking 2,000 miles in 2011 that much more attainable. I just have to get on the bike soon to start logging those cycling miles.

On that note, the graph pretty clearly shows when I put my bike away last season (October) and started focusing on my running. My Boston Marathon training, not surprisingly, has really boosted by running miles.

I'm running more monthly miles now that I ever thought I would - and am on track to breaking the 150-mile mark for March. After all, there are still six days left in the month. Oh, and I have a 20-miler on the schedule for tomorrow.

Speaking of round numbers, I'm well on my way to reaching my $5,000 goal for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as part of my Boston Marathon Adventure.

Yep $5,000 seems like a pretty nice number, too.

**REMEMBER, I'm running the Boston Marathon to help save lives!**

I'm SO CLOSE to my goal! Please visit my fundraising page to support a good cause and learn more about a very special little boy. Thank you for your support!

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