Sunday, February 5, 2012

One Month Down, 11 To Go

There's an online trend going around this year (it might have been around longer, I dunno) encouraging people to check in on their resolutions every Monday to help keep them accountable. Personally, every Monday is a bit too frequent for me (plus, who has time for that?), but I do like the idea of consistently checking in on the goals we set for ourselves.

So I've decided that at the end of each month - or close to it - I'd check in to see how I'm doing.

Last month, I set a variety of goals for 2012. I called for a "do-over" after falling short of my 2011 goal to run/ride 3,000 miles (1,000 miles of running and 2,000 miles of cycling).

My January stats ended up being coincidentally event, tallying in at 66 miles on the bike (trainer) and 65.92 miles of running. Certainly not an all-time high for either categories, but given that I'm coming off a few slump months, a good (and smart) start.

More than the numbers, I like that I've reincorporated running and riding into my regular routine. It helps that Jeff also set a lofty goal of riding the Vermont 100/200 in June, so there's been an overall focus on training and building fitness in our house. Not a bad thing, at all.

In a later post, I talked about all of the other things I want to focus on this year - from volunteering to finances to a healthy lifestyle. I also wanted to value relationships in my life and continue to work toward a healthy life/work balance.

One month in to 2012, I think I'm on the right track.

On the finance end, I've been keeping a closer eye on my budget (or rather, how I spend my money) and made an extra month's payment on my credit card (so what if it was just a screw up with my automated payments set by my credit card company - I still declined the refund and told them to apply it to the balance). I also upped my monthly automated payment by $100 and put an extra $10 per week into an auto savings account I've had going for a couple of years now. It's not much, but it's the little steps that will add up.

Aside from my mileage goals, which will obviously help my healthy living goal, I've just passed the five-month mark of vegetarianism (technically, pescetarianism - since I eat fish). I haven't missed anything, and the more I read and learn about the benefits of cutting out meat, the better I feel about it. It's nice to know that the transition hasn't been at all difficult and has really just become a way of life for us.

I've also added some variety into my fitness routine, getting back to a couple of sessions of strength training (so far) and experimenting with yoga for runners.

Another thing I wanted for 2012 was to give back and volunteer. I'm excited about the possibility of working with Girls On The Run as a volunteer coach. I sought out recommendations for volunteer opportunities and was blown away by all of the suggestions - very worthwhile, fun, appropriate-for-me suggestions, I might add.

After a bit of research and talking to people involved in Girls On The Run organization, I think it's a good fit for me. I love the idea of teaching young girls the tools to be confident, healthy and smart in their decisions. I'm sure I'll have plenty more to say about my Girls On The Run experience as it gets going. I'll get a "team" of 15 girls in grades 3-5. (Yikes?!) By mid-June, they'll run a 5K after a 10-week program where they learn about making good decisions, building self-esteem, knowing healthy relationships and lifestyle. Very exciting stuff!

My other goals for 2012 are a little more gray than black and white - things like relationships and balance. I'll try to think of more concrete steps to "success" (however that is defined) to share along the way, but I feel very solid in those areas, too.

Yes, friends, this year is off to a good start. And I'm looking forward to everything 2012 has in store for me.

1 comment:

  1. I think 2012 is off to a very positive start for you. On the relationship side I see that you are keeping in touch more by phone and face to face and not just relying on electronic media ( facebook, texts etc)to let those close to you know what is happening in your life. I really like that goal you set. Love mom.


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