Earlier this week, I left a few fundraising letters in the mailboxes of some of my co-workers. I was (pleasantly) surprised to learn of two online donations within just hours of dropping off the letters. Each one was for $100.
I was expecting perhaps a few donations for $25 or $50 after delivering the letters, so I was impressed by and very appreciative of their generosity. (I still need those $25 and $50 donations, though!)
Below are email messages I received along with the donations (the names have been removed to protect the innocent).
Each message talks to a different aspect of the TnT program -- to find a cure for blood cancers in the long-term and, in the short-term, to help someone (me) reach a running goal.
I'm the kind of person that re-reads words of encouragement over and over when I need a little boost, so I saved these in my inbox and thought I'd share them here.
Teresa, I truly understand where you are coming from when your note spoke of your mother. My Dad suffers from Leukemia. He's an old buck and is really toughing this out. His type of leukemia is incurable. They can make him comfortable with it. To date, he's doing OK but any other complications, like a cold, really take him down fast.
So..run, lady, run! Let's find a cure for this so that no one needs to suffer from this moving forward. All the best!
You're welcome.
I'm excited for you. I think it's great for what you're doing -- for others and for yourself.
Half marathons are great. They're long enough that you get a great sense of accomplishment from completing them, but they're not so long that you have to turn a good part of your life over to training for them -- the way you have to for marathons.
Best of luck in your training and in the race itself. And have fun. If you're able to do an 8-mile run at this point, you'll have no trouble completing 13.1 miles in three months.
Have you donated to my fundraising campaign for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society? If not, please consider doing so. You can donate online at http://www.active.com/donate/tntma/Teresa. Please pass this link to everyone you know. Every dollar helps me get a little closer to the Disney 13.1!
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